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Killyhommon Primary School, Boho, Enniskillen


2020/2021 School Year

9th Jul 2021
The Fermanagh Herald sales have rocketed this week due to a 2 page spread from our...
28th Jun 2021
The P6/7 children had a fantastic day visiting Pollnagollam Cave and participating...
28th Jun 2021
Some non competitive events took place to start with. Tug of War proved very popular....
28th Jun 2021
The sun shone all day on our Sports Day. A brilliant day out for all the children.
28th Jun 2021
P1-2 had a brilliant Sports day. The first Sports day for this whole class. Well...
22nd Jun 2021
Leavers menu for tomorrow's dinner.
21st Jun 2021
The photo collection is from the current P7 children on their journey through Killyhommon...