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Killyhommon Primary School, Boho, Enniskillen


2023/2024 School Year

29th Sep 2023
The P6/7 children have started to get some excellent coaching from a member of the...
29th Sep 2023
Congratulations to all 4 children who have been awarded Person of the Week.
28th Sep 2023
The children having been learning to name and describe 2D shapes. To help with their...
22nd Sep 2023
Killyhommon’s PTFA Massive Fundraiser! Excitement is building for our much-anticipated...
22nd Sep 2023
Congratulations to all 4 children who have been awarded Person of the Week.
19th Sep 2023
The Primary 6/7 class have started their ICT lessons with Miss Hoy. Their first task...
15th Sep 2023
Primary 6/7 class truly deserved their Golden Time this week. After completing the...
15th Sep 2023
Congratulations to all 4 children who have been awarded Person of the Week.
13th Sep 2023
As part of our topic 'Long, Long Ago' children are enjoying learning all about and...