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Killyhommon Primary School, Boho, Enniskillen


2023/2024 School Year

14th Feb 2024
Today we had two events : Valentine's Day and Ash Wednesday. Congratulations to...
14th Feb 2024
P5 have been measuring mass in Numeracy. They measured using scales using grams and...
13th Feb 2024
Pancake Tuesday  is always a fun day at school. With the chance of eating plenty...
9th Feb 2024
The children are all waiting until Tuesday to bring in their Valentine's cards....
9th Feb 2024
We certainly have super talented children in P7. Just take a look at the photos showing...
9th Feb 2024
Activities Club A massive congratulations to all the children who have participated...
9th Feb 2024
This week’s Outdoor Learning activity involved looking at the work of Andy...
9th Feb 2024
Here are some photos from P1/2 this week while we had some outdoor learning. With...
9th Feb 2024
Congratulations to all 4 children who have been awarded Person of the Week.