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Killyhommon Primary School, Boho, Enniskillen

News - Eco Council

2023/2024 School Year

12th Mar 2024
Emmet from the FODC came to Killyhommon to deliver a workshop in biodiversity and...
8th Mar 2024
P5 celebrated world book day by designing some book covers out of natural objects...
12th Jan 2024
On Friday's P3 and P4 take their learning outdoors. Today's lesson was time based....
11th Jan 2024
This week we had some outdoor learning. It turned out to be perfect for our winter...
10th Jan 2024
The P6/7 children got the chance to complete some work outside today. In Numeracy...
9th Jan 2024
P5 are learning about measure in Numeracy. They measured items and areas around...
4th Dec 2023
Well done to all the P3, 4 and 5 children who completed the Christmas Mile Run....
1st Dec 2023
The P6/7 children had a lovely afternoon taking part in the annual Santa Run followed...
1st Dec 2023
The P1's and 2's taking part in their Christmas mile run with their Christmas jumpers...
22nd Nov 2023
A big well done to the fabulous P6 children who took the whole school for assembly....