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Killyhommon Primary School, Boho, Enniskillen


17th Jan 2024
16th Jan 2024
Congratulations to 3 P6/7 children who have received either their first gold or silver...
12th Jan 2024
On Friday's P3 and P4 take their learning outdoors. Today's lesson was time based....
12th Jan 2024
Congratulations to all 4 children who have been awarded Person of the Week.
11th Jan 2024
This week we had some outdoor learning. It turned out to be perfect for our winter...
10th Jan 2024
The P3-7 children were all excited today with the prospect of attending the activities...
10th Jan 2024
The P6/7 children got the chance to complete some work outside today. In Numeracy...
9th Jan 2024
P5 are learning about measure in Numeracy. They measured items and areas around the...