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Killyhommon Primary School, Boho, Enniskillen


2023/2024 School Year

2nd Feb 2024
Congratulations to all 4 children who have been awarded Person of the Week.
1st Feb 2024
Here is P1's and 2's wall display celebrating St. Brigid's day which marks the...
29th Jan 2024
Some of the Primary6/7 children participated in our local Credit Union Quiz. The...
26th Jan 2024
Grandparents’ Day This day has really become a very special day in the...
26th Jan 2024
Congratulations to all 4 children who have been awarded Person of the Week.
26th Jan 2024
The children in P5 were delighted to have such special visitors in school this week.  
25th Jan 2024
Here is our display of homework the children completed focusing on their grandparents....
25th Jan 2024
As part of our topic 'Food Glorious Food' the children have been learning about the...