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Killyhommon Primary School, Boho, Enniskillen


Acceptable Use of ICT - Staff 2024.docx View download document
Admissions policy 2024.docx View download document
Anti-Bullying Policy 2024.docx View download document
Asthma Policy 2024.docx View download document
Attendance Policy 2024.docx View download document
Child Protection Policy 2024.docx View download document
child protection Policy Feb 2024.pdf View download document
Child Protection Policy Feb 2024.pdf View download document
Covid 19 assessment-and-marking-policy-addendum-Feb 2024.pdf View download document
Critical Incident Management Plan 2024.docx View download document
Data protection policy 2024.docx View download document
Drugs educ policy 2024.docx View download document
Equality Diversityand Inclusion Policy 2024.docx View download document
Fire-Safety-Procedure- 2024.docx View download document
Free School Meals and Uniform Grants View download document
Health and Nutrition Policy 2024.docx View download document
Health and Safety induction for visitors 2024.docx View download document
Health and safety policy 2024.docx View download document
Health and Wellbeing Policy 2024.docx View download document
Healthy Lunch Box Policy 2024.docx View download document
HOMEWORK POLICY 2024.docx View download document
ICTPOLICY 2024.pdf View download document
Killyhommon Administration of Medicines Policy 2024.docx View download document
Killyhommon Period dignity policy 2024.docx View download document
Killyhommon Primary School first aid policy 2024.docx View download document
Killyhommon Primary School ipad and mobile phone use policy February 2024.docx View download document
Killyhommon Primary School Remote learning policy 2024.docx View download document
KPS learning through play 2024.docx View download document
Learning and teaching policy 2024.docx View download document
Literacy policy 2024.pdf View download document
Loss and Bereavement 2024.pdf View download document
Marking for Improvement Policy Sept 2024.docx View download document
Medication Policy 2024.docx View download document
Mobile Phone Policy 2024.docx View download document
Newcomer Policy 2024.docx View download document
Numeracy-Policy- 2024.docx View download document
Online Safety Policy 2024.docx View download document
Parental Complaints Procedure 2024.docx View download document
personall evacuation 2024.pdf View download document
Policies received by visiting coaches 2024.docx View download document
Policy for Gifted and talented children 2024.docx View download document
Policy Statement Special Needs 2024.pdf View download document
Positive behaviour policy 2024.docx View download document
ReasonableForceSafeHandling 2024.docx View download document
Risk Assessment Policy 2024.docx View download document
RSEPolicy 2024.docx View download document
Settling in policy February 2024.docx View download document
Smoking-Policy1 KPS 2024.docx View download document
Survival Guide For Students 2024.docx View download document
Transition Policy 2024.docx View download document
Vetting and Criminal Checks 2024.docx View download document
Whistle blowing Policy 2024.docx View download document